Tools for Schools

Do you run a jewelry training program? If you do, you're a special kind of hero. Training jewelers for the future is not only essential for the well-being of our industry, it's also an important alternative to offer young people and career-changers who want to make something for a living! Here's what we're up to:
- We offer a directory of schools. If you're not on it, use the email form below to let us know you want to be included.
- If you plan to host an Open House for your program, let us help you promote it. We will collaborate with jewelry programs to provide support materials, promote your event through social media, and brainstorm with you new ways to to help your local community find you. Open House events are a way for prospective students to see live demonstrations of bench work, meet instructors and professional jewelers, and learn about the school's resources. Can we help you with your Open House?
- We want your participation!
Keep your eye on this space! We have lots of ideas, many of which are already in development, and we'd like your ideas too.